icy road

Driving in Ice: What You Can Do to Avoid an Accident

Driving on icy roads in Mississippi presents a unique set of challenges, often underestimated due to our typically milder winters. The slick, unpredictable surface of ice-covered roads can lead to hazardous conditions, making accidents more likely. Understanding the risks and being well-prepared can make a significant difference in avoiding potential accidents. 

Driving in Ice: What You Can Do to Avoid an Accident Continue reading…
football in field

More SEC Playoff Games Could Mean More Parties and More Drinking

As the SEC playoff season rolls around, excitement and anticipation fill the air in Mississippi. This festive period brings more than just thrilling games; it also leads to a significant increase in parties and social gatherings. With these celebrations often comes a rise in alcohol consumption, creating a situation we can't ignore:...

More SEC Playoff Games Could Mean More Parties and More Drinking Continue reading…