Grill with barbequed food

Common Injuries on Memorial Day Weekend

The Memorial Day holiday weekend marks the unofficial start of summer, with nice weather and plenty of opportunities to get out and spend time with family and friends. Unfortunately, Memorial Day weekend is also a dangerous time of year for accidents and injuries.

Recognizing some of the most common types of accidents and injuries that occur over the long weekend and how to avoid them can keep your family safe while you kick off the summer. 

Common Memorial Day Accidents 

Many people spend Memorial Day weekend gathering with family and friends, and the availability of alcohol at these events leads some to overindulge. According to the National Safety Council, 453 traffic deaths occurred during a recent Memorial Day weekend, making it one of the most dangerous holidays for accidents on U.S. roadways. An alcohol-impaired driver was a factor in 40 percent of these fatal accidents.

Unfortunately, the roads aren’t the only place to worry about encountering impaired vehicle operators. As the weather warms up, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water see increased traffic, and drinking and boating is just as dangerous as drinking and driving. In one recent year, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks issued 52 citations for alcohol and drug-related offenses and nine citations for boating under the influence.

Drunk boating and drunk driving accidents are just two of the more common types of Memorial Day weekend accidents. Others include:

Motor vehicle accidents are common during the Memorial Day weekend due to many people traveling overnight to attend get-togethers. Increased traffic can lead to impatience to arrive at one’s destination, which can encourage speeding and other aggressive and risky driving behaviors that cause or contribute to collisions.

Once at their destination, many people enjoy spending time outdoors, whether at public parks, playgrounds, or pools. Pool accidents, including slip-and-fall incidents, are common over the holiday weekend, as are falls from jungle gyms and other playground structures.

Common Injuries on Memorial Day Weekend

Unfortunately, Memorial Day weekend accidents can cause significant and sometimes life-changing injuries. Motor vehicle accidents may result in significant brain and spinal cord injuries, broken bones, lacerations, and other physical injuries. Meanwhile, a lack of supervision near pools, lakes, and other bodies of water increases the chances of drowning or near-drowning incidents, in addition to head, neck, and back injuries.

Some of the most common injuries associated with Memorial Day weekend accidents include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Other head, neck, and back injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Dislocations
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Burns
  • Lacerations
  • Contusions

Staying Safe Over the Holiday Weekend

There are practical steps you can take to keep you and your family safe over the Memorial Day holiday. First, make appropriate plans if you plan to drink. Designate a sober driver to help you get home, arrange a rideshare, or plan to stay overnight with family and friends or at a hotel or campground. Never drink prior to or while operating motor vehicles, including boats and jet skis.

When swimming, designate an adult to monitor children to help them stay safe. Children and adults should always wear personal floatation devices when boating or swimming in lakes and other bodies of water. Finally, never dive into shallow or dark water, whether at a pool or a local waterway.

Contact an Accident Attorney for Help 

If someone else’s carelessness causes an accident and injures you during the Memorial Day weekend, get legal help from an experienced personal injury attorney at Chatham Gilder Howell Pittman. We’ll listen to your story, review your situation, and outline your legal options for recovering compensation for your injuries. Contact our office today to set up a free consultation.

About the Author
Jefferson D. Gilder is a Partner at Chatham Gilder Howell Pittman and was admitted to the Mississippi and Tennessee Bars in 1990. Mr. Gilder is admitted to practice in all courts in Mississippi and Tennessee including Federal Court, the Fifth and Sixth Circuit Courts of Appeal, and the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Gilder's areas of practice include personal injury, criminal, medical malpractice, civil rights, and product liability. Mr. Gilder spent his first ten years as an attorney practicing with his father, Robert G. Gilder, at Gilder Law Firm in Southaven, Mississippi before forming Gilder, Howell & Assoc., P.A. with Jamie W. Howell, Jr. in June of 2000. This firm although as another legal entity has now combined their resources and experience with Chatham – Pittman, to form Chatham Gilder Howell Pittman. If you have any questions about this article, you can reach Jefferson through our contact page.